Mathematisches Denken. : Thinking mathematically / Jason Mason ; with Leone Burton and Kaye Stacey
Mathematisches Instrument : Mathematical instrumentation in fourteenth-century Egypt and Syria : the illustrated treatise of Najm al-Dīn al-Mīṣrī / by François Charette
Mathematisches Modell Musterbildung Zellularer Automat : Cellular automaton modeling of biological pattern formation : characterization, applications, and analysis / Andreas Deutsch, Sabine Dormann ; foreword by Philip K. Maini
Mathematisches Modell Zellularer Automat Musterbildung : Cellular automaton modeling of biological pattern formation : characterization, applications, and analysis / Andreas Deutsch, Sabine Dormann ; foreword by Philip K. Maini
Mather, Cotton, 1663-1728. Biblia Americana. : Prophecy, piety, and the problem of historicity : interpreting the Hebrew scriptures in Cotton Mather's 'Biblia Americana' / Jan Stievermann
Mather family. : All that we inherit : being the family memorials of the Walkers and Mathers of Hobart, and the reminiscences and memories of James Backhouse Walker, solicitor, and Sarah Benson Walker, the wife of George Washington Walker, banker, both of early Hobart Town, Van Diemen's Land / compiled and narrated by Peter Benson Walker
Mather, Margrethe, 1885 or 1886-1952. : Defining eye : women photographers of the 20th century : selections from the Helen Kornblum collection / Olivia Lahs-Gonzales, Lucy Lippard ; with an introduction by Martha A. Sandweiss
Mather, Patricia, 1925- : Brilliant careers : women collectors and illustrators in Queensland / compiled by Judith McKay