Mass (Liturgy) : Respecting the body and blood of the Lord : when Holy Communion should be denied / Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke with commentary by Thomas McKenna
Maß Mathematik : Vector measures, integration and related topics / Guillermo P. Curbera, Gerd Mockenhaupt, Werner J. Ricker, editors
Mass media -- Africa -- Bibliography. : The media in Africa and Africa in the media : an annotated bibliography / Gretchen Walsh ; with an introductory essay by Keyan G. Tomaselli
Mass media -- Africa, East : Press freedom and the (crooked) path toward democracy : lessons from journalists in East Africa / Meghan Sobel Cohen and Karen McIntyre Hopkinson
Mass media -- Africa, North : The Palgrave handbook of gender, media and communication in the Middle East and North Africa / Loubna H. Skalli, Nahed Eltantawy, editors
Here are entered works on all aspects of the involvement of African Americans in the mass media. Works on the portrayal of African Americans in the mass media are entered under African Americans in mass media. Works on the employment of African Americans in the mass media are entered under African Americans in the mass media industry
Mass media and anthropology -- Marketing : How to get published in anthropology : a guide for students and young professionals / edited by Jason E. Miller and Oona Schmid
Mass media and art -- Exhibitions. : Ctrl (space) : rhetorics of surveillance from Bentham to Big Brother / edited by Thomas Y. Levin, Ursula Frohne, and Peter Weibel
Mass media and art -- United States -- Exhibitions. : Power : its myths and mores in American art, 1961-1991 / Holliday T. Day ; with essays by Brian Wallis, Anna C. Chave, and George E. Marcus ; artists' profiles by Catsou Roberts ; and a photographic essay by Christopher Scoates and Debra Wilbur
Here are entered works on all aspects of black involvement with the mass media. Works on the portrayal of blacks in mass media are entered under Blacks in mass media. Works on mass media owned or produced by blacks are entered under Black mass media
Here are entered general works on the actions of organizations, such as corporations, stores, governments, etc., in promoting good will between themselves and the community. Works on the process of disseminating information in order to attract public notice are entered under Publicity --subdivision Public relations under names of individual corporate bodies and under topical headings, e.g. Boy Scouts--Public relations; United States. Army--Public relations