Marine phytoplankton -- Toxicology -- Congresses. : Toxic marine phytoplankton : proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Toxic Marine Phytoplankton, held June 26-30 in Lund, Sweden / editors, Edna Granéli ... [and others]
Marine plankton -- Classification : Marine plankton : a practical guide to ecology, methodology, and taxonomy / edited by Claudia Castellani and Martin Edwards
Marine plankton -- Identification. : A guide to marine coastal plankton and marine invertebrate larvae / DeBoyd L. Smith and Kevin B. Johnson
Marine plankton -- Juvenile literature : Plancton marin et pesticides : quels liens? / Geneviève Arzul, Françoise Quiniou, coordinatrices ; contributeurs Annick Hourmant [and four others]
Marine plankton -- Research -- Methodology : Marine plankton : a practical guide to ecology, methodology, and taxonomy / edited by Claudia Castellani and Martin Edwards
Marine plants -- Australia -- Dampier Archipelago (W.A.) -- Congresses. : The marine flora and fauna of Dampier, Western Australia : proceedings of the twelfth International Marine Biological Workshop : held in Dampier from 24 July to 11 August 2000, organised by Western Australian Museum, The University of Western Australia, Western Australian Branch, Australian Marine Sciences Association / edited by Fred E. Wells, Diana I. Walker and Diana S. Jones
Marine plants -- Australia -- Dampier (W.A.) -- Congresses. : The marine flora and fauna of Dampier, Western Australia : proceedings of the twelfth International Marine Biological Workshop : held in Dampier from 24 July to 11 August 2000, organised by Western Australian Museum, The University of Western Australia, Western Australian Branch, Australian Marine Sciences Association / edited by Fred E. Wells, Diana I. Walker and Diana S. Jones
Marine plants -- Australia -- Shoalwater Bay (Qld.) : Seagrass communities in the Shoalwater Bay region, Queensland : spring (September) 1995 and autumn (April) 1996 / W.J. Lee Long, L.J. Mckenzie and R.G. Coles
Marine plants -- Australia -- Western Australia -- Albany -- Congresses : The marine flora and fauna of Albany, Western Australia : proceedings of the Third International Marine Biological Workshop : organised by Western Australian Branch, Australian Marine Sciences Association / edited by Fred E. Wells ... [and others]
Marine plants -- China -- Hainan Sheng : Coral reef marine plants of Hainan Island / E.A. Titlyanov, T.V. Titlyanova, Xiubao Li, Hui Huang, South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences ; A.V. Zhirmunsky Institute of Marine Biology Far East Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences