Marine biology -- Australia -- Western Australia. : The status of the introduced marine fanworm sabella spallanzanii in Western Australia : a preliminary investigation / Geordie Clapin & David R. Evans
Marine biology -- Australia -- Western Australia -- Albany -- Congresses : The marine flora and fauna of Albany, Western Australia : proceedings of the Third International Marine Biological Workshop : organised by Western Australian Branch, Australian Marine Sciences Association / edited by Fred E. Wells ... [and others]
Marine biology -- Australia -- Western Australia -- Albany Region -- Congresses : The marine flora and fauna of Albany, Western Australia : proceedings of the Third International Marine Biological Workshop : organised by Western Australian Branch, Australian Marine Sciences Association / edited by Fred E. Wells ... [and others]
Marine biology -- China -- Hong Kong Region -- Congresses : The marine biology of the South China Sea III : proceedings of the Third International Conference on the Marine Biology of the South China Sea : Hong Kong, 28 October-1 November 1996 / edited by Brian Morton
Marine biology -- Malaysia. : Marine life of the Indo-Pacific region : including Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and all of Southeast Asia / text by Gerald Allen, PhD; photographs by Gerald Allen ... []; edited by Fiona Nichols and Michael Stachels
Marine biology -- Maps. : The Random House atlas of the oceans / produced in association with the World Conservation Union (IUCN)
Marine biology -- Mexico, Gulf of -- Maps. : Gulf of Mexico : coastal and ocean zones strategic assessment: data atlas / Strategic Assessment Branch, Ocean Assessments Division, Office of Oceanography and Marine Assessment, National Ocean Service, and the Southeast Fisheries Center, National Marine Fisheries Service, of the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration, United States Department of Commerce
Marine biology -- Montenegro : The Montenegrin Adriatic coast : marine biology / volume editors, Aleksandar Joksimović, Mirko Đurović, Igor S. Zonn, Andrey G. Kostianoy, Aleksander V. Semenov ; with contributions by B. Antolić [and 65 others]