Foreword; Preface; PALEOSEAS OF CENOZOIC EASTERN NORTH AMERICA; Geochronology and Geography of the Eastern American Paleoseas; The Choctaw Sea; The Okeechobean Sea; The Raritan Sea; The Salisbury Sea; The Albemarle Sea; The Charlston Sea; Deposition within the Eastern North American Paleoseas; BIOGEOGRAPHY OF THE EASTERN AMERICAN PALEOSEAS; Marine Province of Rupelian to Earliest Chattian Oligocene Time; The Proto-Transmarian Province; The Antiguan Province; The Pernambucan Province; Marine Provinces of Latest Chattian Oligocene to late Tortonian Miocene Time; The Transmarian Province; The Baitoan Province; The Platensian Province; Marine Provinces of Late Tortonian Miocene to Calabrian Pleistocene Time; The Caloosahatchian Province; The Gatunian Province; The Camachoan Province; Marine Provinces of Early Pleistocene to Recent Time; The Carolinian Province; The Caribbean Province; The Brazilian Province; OLIGOCENE AND
EARLIEST MIOCENE SEAS; Communities and Environments of the Bainbridge Subsea; Communities and Environments of the Silverdale Subsea; Communities and Environments of the Tampa Subsea; EARLY MIOCENE SEAS; Communities and Environments of the Chipola Subsea; Communities and Environments of the Calvert Subsea; Communities and Environments of the Pamlico Subsea; MIDDLE AND LATE MIOCENE SEAS; Communities and Environments of the Patuxent Subsea; Communities and Environments of the St
Mary's Subsea; Communities and Environments of the Rappahannock Subsea; Communities and Environments of the Walton Subsea; Communities and Environments of the Alaqua Subsea; Communities and Environments of the Polk Subsea; Communities and Environments of the Charlotte Subsea; EARLY AND LATE PLIOCENE SEAS; Communities and Environments of the Williamsburg Subsea; Communities and Environments of the Murdock Subsea; Communities and Environments of the Santee Subsea; Communities and Environments of the Yorktown Subsea; Communities and Environments of the Duplin Subsea; Communities and Environments of the Jackson Subsea; THE EVERGLADES PSEUDOATOLL; The Early Piacenzian Communities of the Everglades Pseudoatoll; The Middle Piacenzian Communities of the Everglades Pseudoatoll; The Late Piacenzian Communities of the Everglades Pseudoatoll; LATEST PLIOCENE AND EARLIEST PLEISTOCENE SEAS; Communities and Environments of the Croatan Subsea; Communities and
Environments of the Waccamaw Subsea; Communities and Environments of the Nashua Lagoon System; Communities and Environments of the Caloosahatchee Subsea; EARLY AND LATE PLEISTOCENE SEAS; Communities and Environments of the Loxahatchee Subsea; Communities and Environments of the Belle Glade Subsea; Communities and Environments of the Socastee Lagoon System; Communities and Environments of the Lake Worth Subsea; Communities and Environments of the Champlain Sea; BIOTIC PATTERNS IN TIME AND SPACE; Patterns of Extinction in the Eastern North American Paleoseas; The Suwannean Extinction; The Chipolan Extinction; The Transmarian Extinction; The Caloosahatchian Extinction; The Evergladesian Extinction; Geographical Heterochrony in Eastern North America; SYSTEMATIC APPENDIX; Descriptions of New Index Species and Genera; INDEX