Marine algae culture -- Congresses : Eighteenth International Seaweed Symposium : proceedings of the Eighteenth International Seaweed Symposium, held in Bergen, Norway, 20-25 June 2004 / edited by Robert Anderson [and others]
Marine algae -- Egypt : Biodiversity of seaweeds in the Egyptian marine waters : the Mediterranean Sea, Red Sea and Suez Canal / Nihal Galal El-Din Thabet Shams El-Din, Sarah Hamdy Rashedy
Marine algae -- Environmental aspects : Seaweeds and their role in globally changing environments / edited by Alvaro Israel, Rachel Einav, Joseph Seckbach
Marine algae industry -- Australia. : Seaweed culture in integrated multi-trophic aquaculture : nutritional benefits and systems for Australia / by Pia Winberg, Dilip Ghosh and Linda Tapsell
Marine algae industry -- Indonesia : Globalisation and livelihood transformations in the Indonesian seaweed industry / edited by Zannie Langford
Marine algae industry -- Juvenile literature : With a little kelp from our friends : the secret life of seaweed / Mathew Bate ; illustrated by Liz Rowland ; foreword by Damon Gameau
Marine algae industry -- Research -- Australia. : The Australian seaweed industry / A baseline review of research and development. A report for the Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation and the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation. / by Barry W. Lee and Karnig Momdjan
Marine algae -- Juvenile literature : With a little kelp from our friends : the secret life of seaweed / Mathew Bate ; illustrated by Liz Rowland ; foreword by Damon Gameau