Manufacturing industries -- Mexico -- Finance : Financial liberalization, credit constraints, and collateral : investment in the Mexican manufacturing sector / prepared by R. Gaston Gelos and Alejandro M. Werner
Manufacturing industries -- Military aspects : Additive manufacturing handbook : product development for the Defense industry / editors, Adedeji B. Badiru, Vhance V. Valencia, David Liu
Manufacturing industries -- Norway : Digitalization and sustainable manufacturing : twin transition in Norway / edited by Sverre Gulbrandsen-Dahl, Heidi Dreyer, Einar L. Hinrichsen, Halvor Holtskog, Kristian Martinsen, Håkon Raabe, and Gabor Sziebig
Manufacturing industries -- Ohio -- Congresses : Building the Ohio innovation Economy : summary of a symposium / Charles W. Wessner, rapporteur ; Committee on Competing in the 21st Century: Best Practice in State and Regional Innovation Initiatives, Board on Science, Technology, and Economic Policy, Policy and Global Affairs, National Research Council of the National Academies
Manufacturing industries -- Ownership -- Australia. : Anatomy of Australian manufacturing industry : the ownership and control of 300 of the largest manufacturing companies in Australia / by E. L. Wheelwright and Judith Miskelly
Manufacturing industries -- Portugal : A tale of two sectors : why is misallocation higher in services than in manufacturing / prepared by Daniel A. Dias, Carlos Robalo Marques, and Christine Richmond
Manufacturing industries -- Quality control -- Congresses : Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Measurement and Quality Control : cyber physical issue : IMEKO TC 14 2019 / editors, Vidosav D. Majstorovic and Numan Durakbasa
Manufacturing industries -- Russia (Federation) -- Velikiĭ Novgorod : The archaeology of medieval Novgorod in context : studies in centre/periphery relations / edited by Mark A. Brisbane, Nikolaj A. Makarov and Evgen. N. Nosov ; with Russian translations by Katharine Judelson