Manuals, textbooks, etc Music Handbooks, manuals, etc : Music for children : Orff-Schulwerk, based on Carl Orff - Gunild Keetman Musik für Kinder / co-ordination, Hermann Regner ; contributions by Tossi Aaron ... [and others] ; articles by Susan Kennedy ... [and others]
Manuel Antioxidant : Handbook of antioxidants : bond dissociation energies, rate constants, activation energies, and enthalpies of reactions / Evguenii Denisov
Manuel, Antonio. : Brazilian art under dictatorship : Antonio Manuel, Artur Barrio, and Cildo Meireles / Claudia Calirman
manuel comportement social troubles élève : The Cambridge handbook of violent behavior and aggression / edited by Daniel J. Flannery, Alexander T. Vazsonyi, Irwin D. Waldman
Manuel, George, 1921- -- Biography : Brotherhood to Nationhood : George Manuel and the Making of the Modern Indian Movement / Peter McFarlane with Doreen Manuel, Foreword by Dr. Pamela Palmater, Afterword by Kanahus Manuel
Manuel, Herschel Thurman, 1887-1976 : Exposing a culture of neglect : Herschel T. Manuel and Mexican American schooling / by Matthew D. Davis
Manuel I, 1495-1521 Portugal History : The crown, the court and the Casa da Índia : political centralization in Portugal, 1479-1521 / by Susannah Humble Ferreira