Manipulation, Chiropractic -- adverse effects : Spin doctors : the chiropractic industry under examination / Paul Benedetti & Wayne MacPhail ; with a foreword by Brad Stewart and an afterword by Stephen Barrett
Active immunization where vaccine is administered for therapeutic or preventive purposes. This can include administration of immunopotentiating agents such as BCG vaccine and Corynebacterium parvum as well as biological response modifiers such as interferons, interleukins, and colony-stimulating factors in order to directly stimulate the immune system
Manipulation Inferenzstatistik : Sense and nonsense of statistical inference controversy, misuse, and subtlety / Chamont Wang
Manipulation, Spinal -- methods. : Spinal manual therapy : an introduction to soft tissue mobilization, spinal manipulation, therapeutic, and home exercises / Howard W. Makofsky
Manipulation (Therapeutics) -- Guatemala : Maya bonesetters : manual healers in a changing Guatemala / Servando Z. Hinojosa ; illustrations by Servando G. Hinojosa
Manipulation (Therapeutics) -- Methods. : Back pain and spinal manipulation : a practical guide / John Murtagh, Clive Kenna ; illustration and art direction by Chris Sorrell
Various manipulations of body tissues, muscles and bones by hands or equipment to improve health and circulation, relieve fatigue, promote healing
Manipulation vertébrale. : Spinal control : the rehabilitation of back pain : state of the art and science / edited by Paul W. Hodges, Jacek Cholewicki, Jaap H. van Dieën
Active immunization where vaccine is administered for therapeutic or preventive purposes. This can include administration of immunopotentiating agents such as BCG vaccine and Corynebacterium parvum as well as biological response modifiers such as interferons, interleukins, and colony-stimulating factors in order to directly stimulate the immune system