Macrobrachium australiense : Systematics and biogeography of Australian Macrobrachium (Crustacea: Decapoda: Palaemonidae) : with descriptions of other new freshwater Decapoda / John William Short
Macrobrachium -- Classification. : Molecular systematic studies of freshwater prawns of the genus Macrobrachium / by Nicholas Paul Murphy
A hereditary disease characterized by multiple ectodermal, mesodermal, and endodermal nevoid and neoplastic anomalies. Facial trichilemmomas and papillomatous papules of the oral mucosa are the most characteristic lesions. Individuals with this syndrome have a high risk of BREAST CANCER; THYROID CANCER; and ENDOMETRIAL CANCER. This syndrome is associated with mutations in the gene for PTEN PHOSPHATASE
A hereditary disease characterized by multiple ectodermal, mesodermal, and endodermal nevoid and neoplastic anomalies. Facial trichilemmomas and papillomatous papules of the oral mucosa are the most characteristic lesions. Individuals with this syndrome have a high risk of BREAST CANCER; THYROID CANCER; and ENDOMETRIAL CANCER. This syndrome is associated with mutations in the gene for PTEN PHOSPHATASE
A hereditary disease characterized by multiple ectodermal, mesodermal, and endodermal nevoid and neoplastic anomalies. Facial trichilemmomas and papillomatous papules of the oral mucosa are the most characteristic lesions. Individuals with this syndrome have a high risk of BREAST CANCER; THYROID CANCER; and ENDOMETRIAL CANCER. This syndrome is associated with mutations in the gene for PTEN PHOSPHATASE
Macroeconomía -- Datos-Tratamiento : Modern classification and data analysis : methodology and applications to micro- and macroeconomic problems / Krzysztof Jajuga, Grażyna Dehnel, Marek Walesiak, editors
Macroeconomía -- Métodos estadísticos : Modern classification and data analysis : methodology and applications to micro- and macroeconomic problems / Krzysztof Jajuga, Grażyna Dehnel, Marek Walesiak, editors
Macroeconomia (modelos matemáticos) : Reconstructing macroeconomics : structuralist proposals and critiques of the mainstream / Lance Taylor
The science of utilization, distribution, and consumption of services and materials
Macroeconomic Framework. : Evaluation of the IMF's role in Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers and the Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility / [prepared by a team headed by David Goldsbrough]
Macroeconomic Impacts. : Specialization, market access and real income / Dominick Bartelme, Ting Lan, Andrei A. Levchenko