Machine learning -- Therapeutic use -- Congresses : Multiscale multimodal medical imaging : third International Workshop, MMMI 2022, held in conjunction with MICCAI 2022, Singapore, September 22, 2022, proceedings / Xiang Li [and five others] (eds.)
Machine leesbaar schrift. : International study of copyright of bibliographic records in machine-readable form : a report prepared for the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions / Dennis D. McDonald, Eleanor J. Rodger, and Jeffrey L. Squires
Machine parts -- Analysis -- Handbooks, manuals, etc : ASM handbook. Volume 11A, Analysis and prevention of component and equipment failures / edited by Brett A. Miller, Roch J. Shipley, Ronald J. Parrington, Daniel P. Dennies
Machine parts -- Failures -- Handbooks, manuals, etc : ASM handbook. Volume 11A, Analysis and prevention of component and equipment failures / edited by Brett A. Miller, Roch J. Shipley, Ronald J. Parrington, Daniel P. Dennies
Machine-readable bibliographic data -- Standards -- Australia. : AUSMARC bibliographic format : a communications specification for books, serials, projected media, cartographic materials, music and sound recordings, computer files and archives and manuscript materials
Here are entered general dictionaries issued in electronic form, as well as works about such dictionaries. Electronic dictionaries limited to a specific subject are entered under the subject with subdivision Dictionaries
Devices which can substitute for normally functioning KIDNEYS in removing components from the blood by DIALYSIS that are normally eliminated in the URINE
Machine-shop practice -- See Also the narrower term Machining
Here are entered works on methods for changing the size or shape of a workpiece by means of machine-operated cutting tools and including standard operations such as turning, shaping and planing, milling, grinding, and drilling
Machine-shop practice -- Charts, diagrams, etc. : A classification system to describe workpieces / compiled by H. Opitz, with the support of the Vereins Deutscher Werkstoffmaschinenfabriken ; translated by R. A. Acton Taylor ; edited by W. R. MacConnell