Medical fees -- Code numbers -- Auditing : Auditing physician services : verifying accuracy in physician services and E/M coding to protect medical practices / Betsy Nicoletti
Medical fees -- Germany (West) : Aktuelle Probleme der Gesundheitspolitik in der BRD / von Anton Burghardt, Ingolf Metze, Theo Thiemeyer ; hrsg. von Heinz Lampert
Medical fees -- Massachusetts : Paths to sustainability for innovative delivery system programs / Peter S. Hussey, Courtney Armstrong, Eric C. Schneider
Medical fees -- United States -- Evaluation : Geographic adjustment in Medicare payment. Phase 2, Implications for access, quality, and efficiency / Committee on Geographic Adjustment Factors in Medicare Payment, Board on Health Care Services ; Margaret Edmunds, Frank A. Sloan, and A. Bruce Steinwald, editors ; Institute of Medicine of the National Academies
Practical experience in medical and health-related services that occurs as part of an educational program wherein the professionally-trained student works outside the academic environment under the supervision of an established professional in the particular field
Practical experience in medical and health-related services that occurs as part of an educational program wherein the professionally-trained student works outside the academic environment under the supervision of an established professional in the particular field
Practical experience in medical and health-related services that occurs as part of an educational program wherein the professionally-trained student works outside the academic environment under the supervision of an established professional in the particular field
Practical experience in medical and health-related services that occurs as part of an educational program wherein the professionally-trained student works outside the academic environment under the supervision of an established professional in the particular field
--subdivision Formulae, receipts, prescriptions under individual branches and systems of medicine, e.g. Dermatology--Formulae, receipts, prescriptions; Medicine, Chinese--Formulae, receipts, prescriptions; and subdivision Medicine--Formulae, receipts, prescriptions under ethnic groups
Medical Foundation for the Care of Victims of Torture -- See Also Bamber, Helen
Instructions issued by a physician pertaining to the institution, continuation, or withdrawal of life support measures. The concept includes policies, laws, statutes, decisions, guidelines, and discussions that may affect the issuance of such orders