Medical Chinese Chinese language : A handbook of practical medical terms (English Chinese) / William I. Wei, Stephen W.K. Cheng, Anthony Ng = Zhong yi shi yong yi xue ci hui / Wei Lin, Zheng Yongqiang, Wu Chongwen
Medical Chinese Chinese language Congresses : Approaches to traditional Chinese medical literature : proceedings of an International Symposium on Translation Methodologies and Terminologies / edited by Paul U. Unschuld
Medical climatology -- Congresses : National security and human health implications of climate change / edited by H.J.S. Fernando, Z. Klaić, J.L. McCulley
Medical climatology -- Popular works : Climate chaos : your health at risk : what you can do to protect yourself and your family / Cindy L. Parker and Steven M. Shapiro
Medical climatology -- United States -- Congresses : Protecting the health and well-being of communities in a changing climate : proceedings of a workshop / Leslie Pray, rapporteur ; Roundtable on Population Health Improvement, Roundtable on Environmental Health Sciences, Research, and Medicine, Board on Population Health and Public Health Practice, Health and Medicine Division, National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
Medical College of Pennsylvania and Hahnemann University. / : Merger Games : the Medical College of Pennsylvania, Hahnemann University, and the Rise and Fall of the Allegheny Healthcare System
Medical College of Virginia -- History : Until the well runs dry : medicine and the exploitation of black bodies / a Burn Baby Burn production ; written and directed by Shawn O. Utsey ; produced by Department of African American Studies, Virginia Commonwealth University