Médicaments ophtalmiques. : Ophthalmologic drug guide / Douglas J. Rhee, Kathryn A. colby, Christopher J. Rapuano, and Lucia Sobrin
Médicaments orphelins. : Orphan drugs and rare diseases / edited by David C Pryde, Michael J Palmer
Médicaments -- Pays en voie de développement. : Prescription for healthy development : increasing access to medicines / lead authors, Beryl Leach, Joan E. Paluzzi ; Paula Munderi, coordinator
Medicaments peptídics. : Peptide therapeutics fundamentals of design, development, and delivery / Seetharama D. Jois, editor
Chemicals used mainly to disinfect root canals after pulpectomy and before obturation. The major ones are camphorated monochlorophenol, EDTA, formocresol, hydrogen peroxide, metacresylacetate, and sodium hypochlorite. Root canal irrigants include also rinsing solutions of distilled water, sodium chloride, etc
Médicaments -- Solubilité. : Formulating poorly water soluble drugs / Robert O. Williams, Alan B. Watts, Dave A. Miller, editors
Médicaments -- Toxicologie. : Dermal and ocular toxicology : fundamentals and methods / editor, David W. Hobson
Médicaments vétérinaires. : Handbook of comparative pharmacokinetics and residues of veterinary antimicrobials / J. Edmond Riviere, Arthur L. Craigmill, Stephen F. Sundlof
Medição de risco. : Microbiological risk assessment in food processing / edited by Martyn Brown and Mike Stringer
Medicare -- Data processing : Developing the information infrastructure for Medicare beneficiaries : summary of a workshop / Committee on Choice and Managed Care: Furthering the Knowledge Base to Ensure Public Accountability and Information for Informed Purchasing by and on Behalf of Medicare Beneficiaries, Office of Health Policy Programs and Fellowships, Institute of Medicine ; Valerie Tate Jopeck and Marion Ein Lewin, editors
Medicare -- Forecasting : Medicare meltdown : how Wall Street and Washington are ruining Medicare and how to fix it / Rosemary Gibson and Janardan Prasad Singh