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Description Medical e-books in many specialties including neurosurgery, radiology and dentistry.
Subject area Medicine
Other name Thieme Clinical E-books


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Click for full text Access catalogue record Dates for online coverage
Thieme Clinical E-books AO manual of fracture management : Minimally invasive plate osteosynthesis (MIPO) / [edited by] G. On Tong, Suthorn Bavonratanavech
Thieme Clinical E-books The art of cupping / Hedwig Manz
Thieme Clinical E-books Atlas of acoustic neurinoma microsurgery / Mario Sanna [and others] ; with the collaboration of Masashi Hamada [and others]
Thieme Clinical E-books Atlas of craniomaxillofacial osteosynthesis : microplates, miniplates, and screws / [edited by] Franz Haerle, Maxime Champy, Bill Terry ; with illustrations by Andreas Reinhardt
Thieme Clinical E-books Atlas der praktischen Liquorzytologie. English
Thieme Clinical E-books Atlas of middle ear surgery / Michel Gersdorff, Jean-Marc Gérard
Thieme Clinical E-books Atlas of microsurgery of the lateral skull base / Mario Sanna [and others]
Thieme Clinical E-books Atlas of pulmonary vascular imaging / Conrad Wittram
Thieme Clinical E-books Atlas of temporal bone surgery / Tuncay Ulug
Thieme Clinical E-books Audiology answers for otolaryngologists / Michael Valente, Elizabeth Fernandez, Heather Monroe
Thieme Clinical E-books Auriculotherapy / Raphael Nogier ; [translator, Peter Beauclerk ; illustration of the ears, Cecile Bergeron]
Thieme Clinical E-books The Bobath concept in adult neurology / Bente E. Bassøe Gjelsvik
Thieme Clinical E-books Cardiac imaging / edited by Carlos Santiago Restrepo, Dianna M.E. Bardo
Thieme Clinical E-books Bildgebende Kardiodiagnostik. English
Thieme Clinical E-books Cartilage tympanoplasty / Mirko Tos
Thieme Clinical E-books Casting type calcifications : indicators of a subtype with unpredictable outcome / László Tabár, Tibor Tot, Peter B. Dean ; with contributions by Tony Hsiu-Hsi Chen [and others]
Thieme Clinical E-books Cavernous malformations of the brain and spinal cord / Giuseppe Lanzino, Robert F. Spetzler
Thieme Clinical E-books Cervical spine surgery challenges : diagnosis and management / [edited by] Todd J. Albert, Joon Yung Lee, Moe R. Lim
Thieme Clinical E-books Chest radiographic interpretation in pediatric cardiac patients / [edited by] Shi-Joon Yoo, Cathy MacDonald, Paul Babyn
Thieme Clinical E-books Chinesische Medizin bei Fertilitätsstörungen. English