Lungs -- Transplantation -- Atlases : Thoracic surgery : transplantation, tracheal resections, mediastinal tumors, extended thoracic reseactions / edited by Douglas J. Mathisen, Christopher R. Morse ; series editor, Josef E. Fischer ; illustrations by Body Scientific International, LLC., Anne Rains
Lungs -- Transplantation -- Australia. : Superspecialty service guidelines for lung transplantation services / a report by the Australian Health Technology Advisory Committee
Lungs -- Transplantation -- England -- London : Great Ormond Street. Series 3, Episode 2, Fight to breathe / series producer/director, Dollan Cannell ; produced & directed by Catey Sexton ; Films of Record, a Ten Alps Company
Lungs -- Transplantation -- Standards. : Superspecialty service guidelines for lung transplantation services / a report by the Australian Health Technology Advisory Committee
Lunt, Alfred. : And did he stop and speak to you? / by G. B. Stern
Lunt, Dolly Sumner, 1817-1891. : A woman's wartime journal : an account of the passage over Georgia's plantation of Sherman's army on the march to the sea, as recorded in the diary of Dolly Sumner Lunt (Mrs. Thomas Burge) / by Dolly Sumner Lunt ; with an introduction and notes by Julian Street