FIBROSIS of the hepatic parenchyma due to obstruction of BILE flow (CHOLESTASIS) in the intrahepatic or extrahepatic bile ducts (BILE DUCTS, INTRAHEPATIC; BILE DUCTS, EXTRAHEPATIC). Primary biliary cholangitis involves the destruction of small intra-hepatic bile ducts and bile secretion. Secondary biliary cholangitis is produced by prolonged obstruction of large intrahepatic or extrahepatic bile ducts from a variety of causes
Liver Cirrhosis -- pathology : Extracellular matrix and the liver : approach to gene therapy / edited by Isao Okazaki [and others]
A ureahydrolase that catalyzes the hydrolysis of arginine or canavanine to yield L-ornithine (ORNITHINE) and urea. Deficiency of this enzyme causes HYPERARGININEMIA. EC
Liver-Derived Lymphocyte Proliferation Inhibiting Protein -- See Arginase
A ureahydrolase that catalyzes the hydrolysis of arginine or canavanine to yield L-ornithine (ORNITHINE) and urea. Deficiency of this enzyme causes HYPERARGININEMIA. EC
Liver diseases associated with ALCOHOLISM. It usually refers to the coexistence of two or more subentities, i.e., ALCOHOLIC FATTY LIVER; ALCOHOLIC HEPATITIS; and ALCOHOLIC CIRRHOSIS
A spectrum of clinical liver diseases ranging from mild biochemical abnormalities to ACUTE LIVER FAILURE, caused by drugs, drug metabolites, herbal and dietary supplements and chemicals from the environment
Liver -- Diseases -- Africa : Impact of climate change on health in Africa : a focus on liver and gastrointestinal tract / Amal Saad-Hussein, Reda Elwakil, Kenza Khomsi, editors
A spectrum of clinical liver diseases ranging from mild biochemical abnormalities to ACUTE LIVER FAILURE, caused by drugs, drug metabolites, herbal and dietary supplements and chemicals from the environment
Liver -- Diseases -- Chemotherapy : Drug therapy for gastrointestinal and liver diseases / edited by Michael J.G. Farthing, Anne B. Ballinger
Liver -- Diseases -- Cytopathology : The Papanicolaou Society of Cytopathology System for reporting pancreaticobiliary cytology : definitions, criteria and explanatory notes / Martha Bishop Pitman, Lester James Layfield
A spectrum of clinical liver diseases ranging from mild biochemical abnormalities to ACUTE LIVER FAILURE, caused by drugs, drug metabolites, herbal and dietary supplements and chemicals from the environment