Linoleum block-printing, Australian -- Torres Strait Islander artists : Gelam nguzu kazi = Dugong my son : the first exhibition of limited edition linocuts by the artists of the Mualgau Minaral Artist Collective from Mua Island in the Torres Strait / editors, Cecilia Alfonso and Michael Kershaw
Linoleum block-printing, British. : The cutting edge of modernity : linocuts of the Grosvenor School / Gordon Samuel and Nicola Penny
Linotype -- History. : Linotype, the film : in search of the eighth wonder of the world / a film by Douglas Wilson ; produced & directed by Douglas Wilson ; producers, David Fry, Henry Fry, Linotype GMBH, David Roberts ; an OnPaperWings production in association with Brand Perfect Tour, Monotype Imaging, Goodwin Films, Jess Heugel Media
Linschoten, Johannes. : The indispensability of phenomenology, experiment and history : life and work of Johannes Linschoten / René Van Hezewijk, Henderikus J. Stan
Linse : Intermediate optical design / Michael J. Kidger
Linseed oil. : Flax lipids : classes, biosynthesis, genetics and the promise of applied genomics for understanding and altering of fatty acids / Bourlaye Fofana, Sylvie Cloutier and Raja Ragupathy
Linton, J. S. (John Stewart), 1890-1948 -- Diaries : A soldier's tale : one man's war, 16 February 1916 -12th June 1919 : the diary of Sergeant J.S. Linton, no. 29543, 3rd Divisional Ammunition Column, Australian Imperial Forces / edited by John Stewart Linton (11)