Lingüística cognitiva (gramática) : Cognitive modeling and verbal semantics : a representational framework based on UML / by Andrea C. Schalley
Lingüística comparada : Areal diffusion and genetic inheritance : problems in comparative linguistics / edited by Alexandra Y. Aikhenvald and R.M.W. Dixon
Lingüística computacional (congressos) : Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing II : Selected Papers from RANLP'97 / edited by Nicolas Nicolov, Ruslan Mitkov
Lingüística -- Filosofía : Diagrams and gestures : mathematics, philosophy, and linguistics / Francesco La Mantia, Charles Alunni, Fernando Zalamea, editors
Lingüística -- Historia : Etymology and grammatical discourse in late antiquity and the early Middle Ages / Mark Amsler
Linguística textual (pesquisa) : Text- und Gesprächslinguistik. 1. Halbband : ein internationales Handbuch zeitgenössischer Forschung / herausgegeben von Klaus Brinker [and others] = Linguistics of text and conversation Volume 1 : an international handbook of contemporary research / edited by Klaus Brinker [and others]
Linguistics -- Arab countries : al-Hijrah al-muṣṭalaḥīyah wa-taʻaddud al-mafāhīm : namādhij lisānīyah / Ḥamīdī bin Yūsuf
Linguistics -- Arab countries -- History : The explanation of linguistic causes : Az-Zaģ̌ǧāǧī's theory of grammar / introduction, translation, commentary, Kees Versteegh