Here are entered works on those social, psychological and environmental occurrences which require an adjustment or effect a change in an individual's pattern of living
Life expectancy -- Congresses. : Advances in health expectancies : proceedings of the 7th Meeting of the International Network on Health Expectancy (REVES), Canberra, February 1994 / editors, Colin Mathers, John McCallum and Jean-Marie Robine
Life expectancy -- Economic aspects -- United States : The growing gap in life expectancy by income : implications for federal programs and policy responses / Committee on the Long-Run Macroeconomic Effects of the Aging U.S. Population--Phase II ; Committee on Population, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education ; Board on Mathematical Sciences and Their Applications ; Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences ; The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
Life Expectancy -- ethnology. : Low income, social growth, and good health : a history of twelve countries / James C. Riley
Life expectancy -- Germany : Vorausberechnung von Verwandtschaft : wie sich die gemeinsame Lebenszeit von Kindern, Eltern und Großeltern zukünftig entwickelt / Christian Dudel
Life expectancy -- Government policy -- United States : The growing gap in life expectancy by income : implications for federal programs and policy responses / Committee on the Long-Run Macroeconomic Effects of the Aging U.S. Population--Phase II ; Committee on Population, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education ; Board on Mathematical Sciences and Their Applications ; Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences ; The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
Life expectancy -- Great Britain -- 19th century -- Statistics. : Urbanisation, mortality and the standard of living debate in Britain in the nineteenth century : :new estimates of the expectations of life at birth in large British cities / Simon Szreter
Life expectancy -- Mathematical models : How long do we live? : demographic models and reflections on tempo effects / Elisabetta Barbi, John Bongaarts, James W. Vaupel, editors
Life Expectancy -- trends -- Statistics : Human longevity, individual life duration, and the growth of the oldest-old population / edited by Jean-Marie Robine [and others]
Those occurrences, including social, psychological, and environmental, which require an adjustment or effect a change in an individual's pattern of living
Those occurrences, including social, psychological, and environmental, which require an adjustment or effect a change in an individual's pattern of living
Life experiences. : Further education, professional and occupational pedagogy : knowledge and experiences / Sai Loo
Here are entered works on those social, psychological and environmental occurrences which require an adjustment or effect a change in an individual's pattern of living
The interdisciplinary science that studies evolutionary biology, including the origin and evolution of the major elements required for life, their processing in the interstellar medium and in protostellar systems. This field also includes the study of chemical evolution and the subsequent interactions between evolving biota and planetary evolution as well as the field of biology that deals with the study of extraterrestrial life