Liability for marine accidents -- France : The wrecking of La Salle's ship Aimable and the trial of Claude Aigron / by Robert S. Weddle ; translations by François Lagarde
Liability for marine accidents -- Great Britain : In the Exchequer of Pleas, Penhallow & others, versus the Mersey Docks & Harbour Board (tried at Westminster, December 5th to 9th, 1859.) / extracted from the short-hand notes of Messrs. Hurst & Corfield
Liability for mine accidents : Grundfragen der Gesetzgebungslehre : erörtert anhand neuerer Gesetzgebungsvorhaben insbesondere d. Neuregelung d. Bergschadensrechts / von Burkhardt Krems
Liability for mine accidents -- Germany (West) : Grundfragen der Gesetzgebungslehre : erörtert anhand neuerer Gesetzgebungsvorhaben insbesondere d. Neuregelung d. Bergschadensrechts / von Burkhardt Krems
Liability for oil pollution damages -- China. : Prevention and compensation of marine pollution damage : recent developments in Europe, China and the US / Michael G. Faure and James Hu (eds.)
Liability for oil pollution damages -- Europe. : Prevention and compensation of marine pollution damage : recent developments in Europe, China and the US / Michael G. Faure and James Hu (eds.)
Here are entered works on legal actions resulting from failures in human sterilization, abortion or pregnancy testing, or failures to test for or diagnose potential or actual fetal abnormalities. Works on legal actions resulting from negligence by obstetricians during childbirth are entered under Obstetricians--Malpractice
Liability for railroad accidents -- Great Britain : The law relating to railway accidents : (including an outline of the liabilities of railway companies as carriers generally), concisely discussed and explained / by Henry Andrews Simon