The legal authority or formal permission from authorities to carry on certain activities which by law or regulation require such permission. It may be applied to licensure of institutions as well as individuals
Legislation -- Australia -- Queensland -- Biograhpy : Biographical register of the Queensland Parliament 1930-1980 with an outline atlas of Queensland electorates 1859-1980 / D.B. Waterson and John Arnold
Legislation -- California -- History -- 19th century : Taming the elephant : politics, government, and law in pioneer California / John F. Burns and Richard J. Orsi, editors ; illustrations editors Joshua Paddison and Teena Stern ; associate editor Marlene Smith-Baranzini
Législation -- Chine -- Histoire. : Writing and law in late Imperial China : crime, conflict, and judgment / edited by Robert E. Hegel and Katherine Carlitz
Legislation -- Colombia : Tierra y género : dilemas y obstáculos en los procesos de negociación de la política de tierras en Colombia / María Fernanda Sañudo Pazos
Legislation, Commentary, Cases : Australian immigration law / Peter Papadopoulos, Roz Germov, Carina Ford, Victoria Stevenson, Kathryn Viegas, Rita Chowdhury, Nicholas Poynder, Kerry Murphy
Legislation -- Commonwealth countries : The legislation of the Empire : being a survey of the legislative enactments of the British dominions from 1898 to 1907 ; edited, under the direction of the Society of Comparative Legislation / by C.E.A. Bedwell (librarian to the Hon. Society of the Middle Temple), with a preface by the Rt. Hon. the Earl of Rosebery (K.G., K.T., D.C.L., LL. D., F.R.S., president of the Society of Comparative Legislation), and an introduction by Sir John Macdonell, (C.B., LL. D., one of the Masters of the Supreme Court)
Here are entered works on the comparison of various systems of law as a method of legal study and research. Comparative studies of individual legal topics or branches of the law are entered under the respective headings applying to these subjects
Legislation -- Comparative studies : Failures of American methods of lawmaking in historical and comparative perspectives / James R. Maxeiner ; with a foreword by Philip K. Howard
Legislation -- Compliance costs : Regulating land and pollution in China : lawmaking, compliance, and enforcement : theory and cases / Benjamin van Rooij
Legislation -- Compliance costs -- China : Regulating land and pollution in China : lawmaking, compliance, and enforcement : theory and cases / Benjamin van Rooij
Legislation -- Confederate States of America : The statutes at large of the provisional government of the Confederate States of America, from the institution of the government, February 8, 1861, to its termination, February 18, 1862, inclusive : arranged in chronological order ; together with the Constitution for the Provisional Government, and the permanent Constitution of the Confederate States, and the treaties concluded by the Confederate States with Indian tribes / edited by James M. Matthews, attorney at law, and law clerk in the Department of Justice