Lead tree. : Leucaena : opportunities and limitations : proceedings of a workshop held in Bogor, Indonesia 24-29 January 1994 / editors, H.M. Shelton, C.M. Piggin and J.L. Brewbaker
Lead tree -- Australia. : Forage trees and shrubs in Australia : their current use and future potential : a report for the RIRDC/L&W Australia/FWPRDC Joint Venture Agroforestry Program / by EC Lefroy
Lead tree -- Congresses. : Leucaena : opportunities and limitations : proceedings of a workshop held in Bogor, Indonesia 24-29 January 1994 / editors, H.M. Shelton, C.M. Piggin and J.L. Brewbaker
Leadbeater's possum -- Bibliography. : The literature of Leadbeater's Possum : an annotated bibliography for Gymnobelideus leadbeateri McCoy, 1867 to 1985 / J.H. Seebeck
Leader, George M., 1918-2013. : The life of Pennsylvania Governor George M. Leader : challenging complacency / Kenneth C. Wolensky, with George M. Leader
Leader, Pauline. : And no birds sing / Pauline Leader ; Mara Mills and Rebecca Sanchez, editors
Leadership -- Africa -- Case studies : Developing global leaders : insights from African case studies / Eva Jordans, Bettina Ng'weno, Helen Spencer-Oatey