Law -- China -- Language -- History : A comparative study of Chinese and Western legal language and culture / Falian Zhang ; translated by Qing Zhang, Hongfang Zhao
Law -- Christmas Island (Indian Ocean) : Islands in the sun : the legal regimes of Australia's external territories and the Jervis Bay Territory / report of the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs
Here are entered works on the laws regulating all the private relations of citizens to each other. Works on legal systems derived from Roman law are entered under Civil law systems --special legal headings with Civil law added in parentheses, e.g. Delegation (Civil law); Interdict (Civil law)
Law clerks -- United States -- Biography : Of courtiers and kings : more stories of Supreme Court law clerks and their justices / edited by Todd C. Peppers and Clare Cushman
Law -- Cocos (Keeling) Islands. : Islands in the sun : the legal regimes of Australia's external territories and the Jervis Bay Territory / report of the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs
Law -- Codification -- Congresses : Codification in international perspective : selected papers from the 2nd IACL Thematic Conference / Wen-Yeu Wang, editor
Here are entered general and comparative works on colonial law. Works on the colonial law of a particular country are entered under Law--[country]--Colonies. Works on the law of a particular colony are entered under the heading Law, subdivided by the name of the colony