Laverty, Colin, 1937- : Beyond sacred : recent painting from Australia's remote Aboriginal communities in the collection of Colin and Elizabeth Laverty / compiler, Colin Laverty
Laverty, Elizabeth : Beyond sacred : recent painting from Australia's remote Aboriginal communities in the collection of Colin and Elizabeth Laverty / compiler, Colin Laverty
Lavery, Bryony. Frozen : Drama for students. Volume 25 : presenting analysis, context and criticism on commonly studied dramas / Ira Mark Milne, project editor
Lavery, Patrick C. -- Trials, litigation, etc : Chimpanzee rights : the philosophers' brief / Kristin Andrews Gary Comstock, G.K.D. Crozier, Sue Donaldson, Andrew Fenton, Tyler M. John, L. Syd M Johnson, Robert C. Jones, Will Kymlicka, Letitia Meynell, Nathan Nobis, David M. Peña-Guzmán, Jeff Sebo
LaVette, Bettye, 1946- : Contemporary musicians. Volume 58 : profiles of the people in music / Angela M. Pilchak, project editor
Lavi (Jet fighter plane) : Lavi : the United States, Israel, and a controversial fighter jet / John W. Golan
Lavie, P. (Peretz), 1949- : The enigma of sleep / produced by ZENIT in association with LES FILMS D'ICI/ZDF/ARTE/ DISCOVERY CHANNEL, YLE TEEMA, RTSI. International distribution by GA & A
Lavier, Bertrand, 1949- : After modernism : the dilemma of influence / produed by Michael Blackwood Production in association with WDR/YLE ; writer, Sasha Newman ; director and producer, Michael Blackwood
Lavin, Mary, 1912-1996. In the middle of the fields : Short stories for students. Volume 23 : presenting analysis, context, and criticism on commonly studied short stories / Anne Marie Hacht, project editor ; foreword by Thomas E. Barden
Lavine, Marie, -1850 : The terrible deeds of George L. Shaftesbury : who killed his own mother and sister, and fled to New York City, where he was joined by the female murderer, Marie Lavine, whom he detected in the act of dragging to the river the body of a man whom she had murdered in one of the dens of Walnut Street, in that city ; and they, after passing through the most dark and unparalleled career of crime, were finally both executed in Quebec, June 7, 1850, for the murder of Lord Amel and family / [by J. Elligen]
Lavizzo-Mourey, Risa. : Contemporary Black biography. Volume 48 : profiles from the international Black community / Sara Pendergast and Tom Pendergast, editors