Language Refugees : Forensic linguistics : asylum-seekers, refugees and immigrants / edited by I.M. Nick (Germanic Society for Forensic Linguistics (GSFL)) ; with a foreword by Tina Cambier-Langeveld (International Association for Forensic Phonetics and Acoustics (IAFPA))
Language revival -- Australia. : Re-awakening languages : theory and practice in the revitalisation of Australia's indigenous languages / edited by John Hobson, Kevin Lowe, Susan Poetsch and Michael Walsh
Language revival -- Latin America : Language documentation and revitalization in Latin American contexts / edited by Gabriela Pérez Báez, Chris Rogers, Jorge Emilio Rosés Labrada
Language revival -- Mexico : Indigene Sprachen in Mexiko : Eine sprecherzentrierte Studie zur Vitalität des yukatekischen Maya / Julia Montemayor Gracia
Language revival -- Pacific Area : The vanishing languages of the Pacific rim / edited by Osahito Miyaoka, Osamu Sakiyama and Michael E. Krauss
Language revival -- United States -- Handbooks, manuals, etc : Handbook of heritage, community, and native American languages in the United States : research, policy, and educational practice / edited by Terrence G. Wiley, Joy Kreeft Peyton, Donna Christian, Sarah Catherine K. Moore, and Na Liu
Language revival -- Yukon : We are our language : an ethnography of language revitalization in a Northern Athabascan community / Barbra A. Meek
Language Rote Armee Fraktion : Der Gruppenstil der RAF im "Info"-System : eine soziostilistische Untersuchung aus systemtheoretischer Perspektive / Olaf Gätje
Language Rural women : Masking terror : how women contain violence in Southern Sri Lanka / Alex Argenti-Pillen
Language Rural women Sri Lanka : Masking terror : how women contain violence in Southern Sri Lanka / Alex Argenti-Pillen
Language Russians Czech Republic : Usvoenie vtorogo i︠a︡zyka v slozhnom i︠a︡zykovom okruzhenii : kak nositeli russkogo i︠a︡zyka usvaivai︠u︡t literaturnye i neliteraturnye raznovidnosti nemet︠s︡kogo i cheshskogo i︠a︡zykov / I︠U︡uliane Besters-Dilger, Gana Gladkova (red.)
Language Russians Germany : Usvoenie vtorogo i︠a︡zyka v slozhnom i︠a︡zykovom okruzhenii : kak nositeli russkogo i︠a︡zyka usvaivai︠u︡t literaturnye i neliteraturnye raznovidnosti nemet︠s︡kogo i cheshskogo i︠a︡zykov / I︠U︡uliane Besters-Dilger, Gana Gladkova (red.)
Language Sailors : The sailor's word-book : an alphabetical digest of nautical terms : including some more especially military and scientific, but useful to seamen, as well as archaisms of early voyagers, etc. / by W.H. Smyth; revised for the press by Sir E. Belcher
Language Sailors Dictionaries : Ship to shore : a dictionary of everyday words and phrases derived from the sea / Peter D. Jeans ; illustrated by Ross H. Shardlow