Land tenure -- Law and legislation -- Georgia : Copy of the record in the case, Robert Fletcher vs. John Peck : decided at the Circuit Court of the United States for the First Circuit, held at Boston, within and for the district of Massachusetts, on the twentieth day of October, anno domini 1807
Land tenure -- Law and legislation -- Great Britain -- Digests : The laws respecting commons and commoners : comprising the law relative to the rights and privileges of both lords and commoners; and in which the law relative to the inclosing of commons, is particularly attended to as collected from the several statutes, reports, and other books of authority, up to the present time; to which is likewise added an appendix containing the mode and expence of proceeding in the Houses of Lords and Commons, for the purpose of obtaining acts of Parliament for the inclosing of commons and other waste lands / by the author of the Laws of landlord and tenant, Law of wills, Laws of masters and servants, &c
Land tenure -- Law and legislation -- Ireland -- Cases : Reports of one hundred & ninety cases in the Irish land courts : with preliminary tenant-right chapters / by R. Donnell, M.A. (Qu. Univ.), barrister-at-law, professor of political economy in the University of Dublin, examiner in the Faculty of Law in the Queen's University in Ireland, etc
Land tenure -- Law and legislation -- Japan : Alien land laws and alien rights / paper presented by Charles F. Curry, member of Congress third California district on Antialien land laws of the several states and territories and of the United States, of Japan and other countries ; a discussion of their legality and propriety, and a summary and discussion of the rights of aliens
Land tenure -- Law and legislation -- Latin America : Legalising land rights : local practices, state responses and tenure security in Africa, Asia and Latin America / edited by Janine M. Ubink, André J, Hoekema, and Willem J. Assies
Land tenure -- Law and legislation -- Louisiana : Louisiana land laws and laws relating to building and loan associations : for the use of real estate agents, lawyers, notaries and the general public / by H. H. White
Land tenure -- Law and legislation -- Mali : Évolution des systèmes fonciers au Mali: Cas du bassin cotonnier de Mali sud Zone Office du Niger et région CMDT de Koutiala
Land tenure -- Law and legislation -- Oklahoma : The trial of title to land in Oklahoma : being a treatise on the law of real estate ; with practice, forms and procedure / by Wellington L. Merwine (of the Okmulgee, Oklahoma, bar)
Land tenure -- Law and legislation -- Red River Settlement : The Hudson's Bay Company's land tenures and the occupation of Assiniboia by Lord Selkirk's settlers : with a list of grantees under the Earl and the Company / by Archer Martin, Esq., barrister-at-law (of the Canadian bar)