Laboratories -- United States -- Management : Managing for high-quality science and engineering at the NNSA national security laboratories / Committee to Review the Quality of the Management and of the Science and Engineering Research at the Department of Energy's National Security Laboratories--Phase I ; Laboratory Assessments Board ; Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences ; National Research Council of the National Academies
Laboratories -- United States -- Quality control : Assuring data quality at U.S. Geological Survey laboratories / Committee to Review the U.S. Geological Survey's Laboratories, Board on Earth Sciences and Resources, Division on Earth and Life Studies
Laboratories -- Waste disposal. : Pollution prevention and waste minimization in laboratories / [edited by] Peter A. Reinhardt, K. Leigh Leonard, Peter C. Ashbrook
Laboratories -- Waste disposal -- Management : The management and cost of laboratory waste associated with the conduct of research : report of a workshop / Government-University-Industry Research Roundtable
Laboratories -- Waste minimization. : Pollution prevention and waste minimization in laboratories / [edited by] Peter A. Reinhardt, K. Leigh Leonard, Peter C. Ashbrook
Here are entered works on institutions or laboratory units within schools or colleges that coordinate tutoring and individualized instruction in composition and basic rhetoric for use across curricula
Laboratorios farmacéuticos -- Metodología : Quantitative methods in pharmaceutical research and development : concepts and applications / Olga V. Marchenko, Natallia V. Katenka, editors
Assistants to a veterinarian, biological or biomedical researcher, or other scientist who are engaged in the care and management of animals, and who are trained in basic principles of animal life processes and routine laboratory and animal health care procedures. (Facts on File Dictionary of Health Care Management, 1988)
Assistants to a veterinarian, biological or biomedical researcher, or other scientist who are engaged in the care and management of animals, and who are trained in basic principles of animal life processes and routine laboratory and animal health care procedures. (Facts on File Dictionary of Health Care Management, 1988)
Laboratory animals -- Anatomy : The laboratory mouse : a guide to the location and orientation of tissues for optimal histological evaluation / by Jennifer Johnson, Brian DelGiudice, Dinesh Bangari, Eleanor Peterson, Gregory Ulinski, Susan Ryan, and Beth Thurberg ; edited by Gayle Callis
Laboratory animals -- Australia -- Periodicals. : Annual report for the year ending 31 December ... / the Australian and New Zealand Council for the Care of Animals in Research and Teaching
Laboratory animals -- Breeding -- Experiments. : Genetics and probability in animal breeding experiments : a primer and reference book on probability, segregation, assortment, linkage and mating systems for biomedical scientists who breed and use genetically defined laboratory animals for research / Earl L. Green
Laboratory animals -- Breeding -- Statistical methods. : Genetics and probability in animal breeding experiments : a primer and reference book on probability, segregation, assortment, linkage and mating systems for biomedical scientists who breed and use genetically defined laboratory animals for research / Earl L. Green
Laboratory animals -- Care : Animal-centric care and management : enhancing refinement in biomedical research / edited by Dorte Bratbo Sørensen, Sylvie Cloutier, Brianna N. Gaskill