Here are entered works on the system of law relating to marine commerce, including carriage of passengers or property by sea, maritime social insurance, liability for marine accidents, average, and marine insurance. Works on the system of public international law relating to jurisdiction over the oceans and exploitation of marine resources are entered under Law of the sea --subdivision Navigation--Law and legislation under names of individual bodies of water
Law Mass media Australia Congresses : The Law and the printer, the publisher and the journalist : the collected papers of a seminar at Melbourne University on August 12, 1971
Law -- Massachusetts -- Early works to 1800 : At a Council held at Boston the 25th. of June, 1675 : the governour and magistrates being assembled in Council to consider of the publick affairs of this common-weal ... doe nominate and appoint the 29th. day of this instant June to be kept as a day of humiliation and prayer
Law, Medieval -- Digests : A view of ancient laws, against immorality and profaneness : Under the following Heads ; Lewdness ; Profane Swearing, Cursing, and Blasphemy ; Perjury ; Prophanation of Days devoted to Religion ; Contempt or Neglect of Divine Service ; Drunkenness ; Gaming ; Idleness, Vagrancy, and Begging ; Stage-Plays and Players ; and Duelling. Collected from the Jewish, Roman, Greek, Gothic, Lombard, and other laws, down to the middle of the eleventh century. By John Disney, M.A. Vicar of St. Mary's in Nottingham
Law -- Melanesia. : Reconciling customary law and received law in Melanesia : the post-independence experience in Solomon Islands and Vanuatu / Kenneth Brown
Law merchant -- United States. : The commerce clause, the supremacy clause and the law merchant : Swift v. Tyson and the unity of commercial law / Michael Conant