Here are entered works on the law governing the laying out, construction, repair, and use of highways and streets. Works on laws regulating traffic on highways and streets are entered under Traffic regulations
Here are entered works on the Hindu law of ancient and medieval India. Works on the laws applicable to Hindus are entered under Hindus--Legal status, laws, etc
Law -- History -- Study and teaching -- Canada : Law, life, and the teaching of legal history : essays in honour of G. Blaine Baker / edited by Ian C. Pilarczyk, Angela Fernandez, and Brian Young
Law -- Humor -- Early works to 1800 : The law and lawyers laid open : in twelve visions. To which is added, plain truth, in three dialogues, between Truman, Skinall, Dryboots, three attorneys, and Season a bencher
Law -- Hungary -- German influences : Central European Constitutional Courts in the Face of EU Membership : the Influence of the German Model in Hungary and Poland
Law -- Hungary -- History : Customary law in Hungary : courts, texts, and the tripartitum / Martyn Rady
Law -- Iceland : Vorlesungen über altnordische Rechtsgeschichte / von Konrad Maurer. Aus dem Nachlass des Verfassers hrsg. von der Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften in Kristiania
Law -- Illinois : Student's guide to elementary law : consisting of questions on Walker's American law, and Blackstone's and Kent's Commentaries, with references to Illinois statutes and decisions, where the law of the state differs from that laid down in the text / by Reuben M. Benjamin, professor of law in the Illinois Wesleyan University