Kriegsschauplätze Weltkrieg I Ostfront : War land on the Eastern Front : culture, national identity and German occupation in World War I / Vejas Gabriel Liulevicius
Kriegsstrafrecht : The Oxford handbook of international law in armed conflict / edited by Andrew Clapham and Paola Gaeta ; assistant editors, Tom Haeck, Alice Priddy
Kriemhild (Legendary character) : Nibelungische Intertextualität : Generationenbeziehungen und genealogische Strukturen in der Heldenepik des Spätmittelalters / Gunda Lange
Kriemhild (Legendary character) -- Drama : Die Nibelungen Fritz Lang's complete five-hour epic / a Decla-Bioscop/UFA Production ; screenplay, Thea von Harbou ; directed by Fritz Lang.
Krier, Léon., 1946- : Leon Krier : architecture and urban design, 1967-1992 / edited by Richard Economakis ; introduction by Demetri Porphyrios ; essay by David Watkin
Krier, Léon -- Themes, motives. : Leon Krier : architecture and urban design, 1967-1992 / edited by Richard Economakis ; introduction by Demetri Porphyrios ; essay by David Watkin
Krier, Rob. : Rob Krier on architecture / [translated from the German by Eileen Martin]
Kries, Johannes von, 1853-1928. : Principles of the probability calculus : a logical investigation / Johannes von Kries ; [translated by] Keith K. Niall