Kenya Education and state Kilome : Women's agency and educational policy : the experiences of the women of Kilome, Kenya / Mutindi Mumbua Kiluva-Ndunda
Kenya Education, Bilingual : The multivoices of Kenyan primary school children learning to read and write / Esther Mukewa Lisanza
Kenya Education, Higher Economic aspects : Expanding tertiary education for well-paid jobs : competitiveness and shared prosperity in Kenya / Andreas Blom, Raza Reehana, Crispus Kiamba, Himdat Bayusuf, and Mariam Adil
Kenya Education, Higher Social aspects : Beyond ethnicism exploring ethnic and racial diversity for educators / by Alice Wairimu Nderitu ; illustrated by Godfrey Mwampembwa (Gado)
Kenya Education, Rural : Does the village still raise the child? : a collaborative study of changing childrearing and early education in Kenya / Beth Blue Swadener with Margaret Kabiru and Anne Njenga
Kenya Education Social aspects : Instrumenting the effect of terrorism on education in Kenya / Marco Alfano and Joseph-Simon Goerlach
Kenya Educational leadership : Higher Education Leadership and Governance in the Development of the Creative and Cultural Industries in Kenya / Emily A. Akuno, Donald O. Ondieki, Peter L. Barasa, Simon P. Otieno, Charity M. Wamuyu, Maurice O. Amateshe
Kenya Educators Biography : Kenyan youth education in colonial and post-colonial times : Joseph Kamiru Gikubu's impact / Peter Otiato Ojiambo
Kenya Entrepreneurship : Digital Kenya : an entrepreneurial revolution in the making / Bitange Ndemo, Tim Weiss, editors
Kenya Entrepreneurship Case studies : Entrepreneurial habits in the Kenya Red Cross Society / authored by Bitange Ndemo, Benedict Mkalama and Dennis Moiro Aiko (School of Business, University of Nairobi, Nairobi, Kenya)
Kenya Entrepreneurship Nairobi : Fabricating silicon Savannah : the making of a digital entrepreneurship arena of development / Michel Njeri Wahome
Kenya Environmental management : Kenya : political, social and environmental issues / James W. Adoyo and Cole I. Wangai, editors
Kenya Environmental refugees : Using mobile methods to trace networks and connections : environmental migration in the digital age / Ingrid Boas
Kenya Equal pay for equal work : Women's labour and trade unionism in Kenya, paper to be presented to DAWN's African Regional Meeting 27th-29th September, 1988, Institute of African Studeis, University of Ibadan, Nigeria / by Tiyambe Zeleza