Kaiserschnitt : Not of Woman Born : Representations of Caesarean Birth in Medieval and Renaissance Culture / Renate Blumenfeld-Kosinski
Kaiserslautern : Contemporary knowledge engineering and cognition : first joint workshop, Kaiserslautern, Germany, February 21-22, 1991, proceedings / F. Schmalhofer, G. Strube, Th. Wetter (eds.)
Kaiserslautern <2005> : Professional knowledge management : third biennial conference, WM 2005, Kaiserslautern, Germany, April 10-13, 2005 : revised selected papers / Klaus-Dieter Althoff [and others] (eds.)
Kaissis, Athanassios, 1947- : Recht ohne Grenzen : Festschrift für Athanassios Kaissis zum 65. Geburtstag / herausgegeben von Reinhold Geimer, Rolf A. Schütze
Kaiyō osen. : Fueiyōka kaiiki ni okeru suisei seibutsu no kankyō byōrigaku : kasanka shishitsu gan'yū kendaku busshitsu no byōgai sayō / chosha Yoshikoshi Kazuma = Preliminary studies on the environmental pathology of aquatic organisms in eutrophicated coastal and inlet waters with special references to pathological actions of lipid peroxides-containing suspended solids / Kazuma Yoshikoshi
Kaiyō seibutsu. : Fueiyōka kaiiki ni okeru suisei seibutsu no kankyō byōrigaku : kasanka shishitsu gan'yū kendaku busshitsu no byōgai sayō / chosha Yoshikoshi Kazuma = Preliminary studies on the environmental pathology of aquatic organisms in eutrophicated coastal and inlet waters with special references to pathological actions of lipid peroxides-containing suspended solids / Kazuma Yoshikoshi