Jurisdiction -- Australia -- Victoria. : Final report on case transfer / Case Transfer Committee ; written for the Committee by J.A. Epstein, E.W. Wright
Jurisdiction -- England : The fourth part of the institutes of the laws of England : concerning the jurisdiction of courts / Authore Edwardo Coke, Milite, J.C. Haec ego grandaevus posui tibi, candide lector
Jurisdiction -- Europe. : Parallel proceedings in international arbitration : a comparative European perspective / Nadja Erk
Jurisdiction -- European Union countries -- Congresses : Europäisches Privatrecht in Vielfalt geeint : Einheitsbildung durch Gruppenbildung im Unternehmensrecht? = Droit privé européen: l'unité dans la diversité : convergences en droit de l'entreprise? / herausgegeben von Olivier Cachard, Liliane Nau
Jurisdiction Great Britain Parliament Early works to 1800 : The history of the High Court of Parliament : its antiquity, preheminence and authority : and the history of court baron and court leet : a chronological history of them from the earliest times drawn down to the present, together with the rights of lords of manors in common pastures, and the growth of the privileges the tenants now enjoy there
Jurisdiction Great Britain Parliament House of Lords Early works to 1800 : Lord Hollis, his remains : being a second letter to a friend, concerning the judicature of the bishops in Parliament, in the vindication of what he wrote in his first, and in answer to a book since published against it entituled The rights of the bishop to judge in capital cases in Parliament cleared, &c. : it contains likewise part of his intended answer to a second tractate entituled The grand question touching the bishops right to vote in Parliament, stated and argued : to which are added considerations, in answer to the learned author of the Grand question, &c., by another hand : and reflections upon some passages in Mr. Hunt's argument upon that subject, &c., by a third
Jurisdiction -- History : In between and across : legal history without boundaries / edited by Kenneth W. Mack, Jacob Katz Cogan