Jurien Bay Region Coastal zone management Australia Western Australia : Coastal management plan Jurien Bay area : a study promoted by the Department of Conservation and Environment, Perth, Western Australia and the Coastal Management Co-ordinating Committee in co-operation with the Shire of Dandaragan / by C.E. Chalmers, S.M. Davies
Jurien Bay Region (W.A.) : Coastal management plan Jurien Bay area : a study promoted by the Department of Conservation and Environment, Perth, Western Australia and the Coastal Management Co-ordinating Committee in co-operation with the Shire of Dandaragan / by C.E. Chalmers, S.M. Davies
Jurisdiction -- Australia -- Victoria. : Final report on case transfer / Case Transfer Committee ; written for the Committee by J.A. Epstein, E.W. Wright
Jurisdiction -- England : The fourth part of the institutes of the laws of England : concerning the jurisdiction of courts / Authore Edwardo Coke, Milite, J.C. Haec ego grandaevus posui tibi, candide lector
Jurisdiction -- Europe. : Parallel proceedings in international arbitration : a comparative European perspective / Nadja Erk