--subdivision Ability testing under subjects, e.g. Medicine--Ability testing; and subdivision Rating of under classes of persons, e.g. Nurses--Rating of
--subdivision Promotions under classes of persons and ethnic groups; and subdivision Officials and employees--Promotions under names of countries, cities, etc. and names of individual government agencies
Here are entered works on the appraisal of the relative value of individual jobs in an organization for wage determination, promotions, etc. Works on the process of making a detailed study of a job to determine the duties, facilities required, conditions of work, and the qualifications needed for its performance are entered under Job analysis
Adverse psychological and behavioral reactions caused by the pressures and demands of employers or clients or other factors, such as the physical environment of the workplace, WORKPLACE VIOLENCE; or WORKPLACE BULLYING
Adverse psychological and behavioral reactions caused by the pressures and demands of employers or clients or other factors, such as the physical environment of the workplace, WORKPLACE VIOLENCE; or WORKPLACE BULLYING
job requirements. : Technology and employment : innovation and growth in the U.S. economy / Panel on Technology and Employment, Committee on Science, Engineering, and Public Policy [of the] National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering [and] Institute of Medicine ; Richard M. Cyert and David C. Mowery, editors
Job satisfaction -- Austria : "Ich wunsche mir aufrichtige anerkennung unserer arbeit--" : Berufszufriedenheit, Belastungen und Copingstrategien evangelischer ReligionslehrerInnen in Österreich / Helene Miklas, Helmar-Ekkehart Pollitt und Georg Ritzer