job content. : Computer chips and paper clips : technology and women's employment / Heidi I. Hartmann, Robert E. Kraut, and Louise A. Tilly, editors ; Panel on Technology and Women's Employment, Committee on Women's Employment and Related Social Issues, Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, National Research Council
Here are entered works on computer program languages that use commands to communicate with computer operating systems or other programs, and that are sometimes referred to as job control languages. Works on the specific command language called JCL, or Job Control Language, are entered under Job Control Language (Computer program language)
Job Corps (U.S.) / : The Job Corps program : financial and management issues / Clinton L. Zimmerman, editor
Job creation -- Africa, Sub-Saharan : Creating Jobs in Africa's Fragile States : Are Value Chains an Answer? / by Nora Dudwick and Radhika Srinivasan, with Jose Cuesta and Dorsati Madani
Job creation -- Algeria : Algeria : selected issues / prepared by Taline Koranchelian and Gabriel Sensenbrenner
Job creation -- Asia, Central : Back to work : growing with jobs in Eastern Europe and Central Asia / Omar S. Arias [and eight others]
Job creation -- European Union countries : Towards a greener economy : the social dimensions / International Labour Organization, International Institute for Labour Studies
Job creation -- Mathematical models : Does "trickle down" work? : economic development strategies and job chains in local labor markets / Joseph Persky, Daniel Felsenstein, Virginia Carlson