Jihad (heligt krig) -- historia. : Just wars, holy wars, and jihads : Christian, Jewish, and Muslim encounters and exchanges / edited by Sohail H. Hashmi
Jihad (heligt krig) -- Indonesien. : Laskar Jihad : Islam, militancy, and the quest for identity in post-New Order Indonesia / Noorhaidi Hasan
Jihad in art. : The Islamic imagery project : visual motifs in jihadi Internet propaganda / the Combating Terrorism Center, Department of the Social Sciences, United States Military Academy
Jihad -- Propaganda : The Islamic imagery project : visual motifs in jihadi Internet propaganda / the Combating Terrorism Center, Department of the Social Sciences, United States Military Academy
Jihad -- Sources : The legacy of 9/11 / editor, Michael Shally-Jensen, PhD
Jihad -- Statistics : Trends in extremist violence and terrorism in Europe through end-2016 / Anthony H. Cordesman
Jihad -- Study and teaching : Allahs Børn / produceret af NET Produktion og tvDOKfilm i co-produktion med Danmarks Radio [and others] ; producent, Ole Hjortdal ; en film af Eva Arnvig & Ulrik Holmstrup
Jihāz al-Markazī lil-Iḥṣāʼ al-Filasṭīnī. / http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/no2001032500 : The million person gap : the Arab population in the West Bank and Gaza / Bennett Zimmerman, Roberta Seid and Michael L. Wise