Jews -- Legal status, laws, etc. -- Great Britain -- Early works to 1800 : The case and appeal of James Ashley, of Bread-Street, London : addressed to the publick in general : in relation to I. The apprehending Henry Simons, the Polish Jew, on a warrant issued out against him for perjury. II. His trial, and conviction of a capital misdemeanor, last Lent-Assizes, held at Chelmsford for the county of Essex. III. His second trial, at the subsequent assizes, for the same offence, and surprising acquittal. IV An action brought, and the cruel verdict obtained, against the said James Ashley, and others : interspersed throughout with many very uncommon particulars : to which is prefixed, a curious print of the person and dress of the said Henry Simons
Jews -- Legal status, laws, etc. -- History -- Sources : Notes on the diplomatic history of the Jewish question; with texts of protocols, treaty stipulations and other public acts and official documents, by Lucien Wolf
Jews -- Legal status, laws, etc. -- Maryland : Speeches on the Jew bill, in the House of delegates of Maryland / by H.M. Brackenridge, Col. W.G.D. Worthington, and John S. Tyson, esquire ; together with an argument on the chancery powers, and an eulogy on Thomas Jefferson and John Adams, &c., by H.M. Brackenridge
Jews -- Legal status, laws, etc. -- Netherlands : Remonstrantie nopende de ordre dije in de landen van Hollandt ende Westvrieslandt dijent gestelt op de Joden / Hugo de Groot ; naar het manuscript in de Livraria D. Montezinos uitgegeven en ingeleid door Dr. J. Meijer
Jews -- Legal status, laws, etc. -- Russia : The legal sufferings of the Jews in Russia : a survey of their present situation, and a summary of laws / edited by Lucien Wolf ; with an introduction by Professor A.V. Dicey, M.A., K.C., Hon. D.C.L
Here are entered collections of and works about Jewish legends, including comprehensive works covering both Old Testament legends and post-Biblical Jewish legends. Works on legends in the Bible and on extra-Biblical legends about Biblical characters and events are entered under Bible--Legends. Works limited to legends in or about the Old or New Testament are entered under Bible. Old Testament--Legends or Bible. New Testament--Legends
Jews (LGBTQ) : The new American Judaism : how Jews practice their religion today / Jack Wertheimer