Jews -- Identity -- History -- 18th century : Emissaries from the Holy Land : the Sephardic diaspora and the practice of pan-Judaism in the eighteenth century / Matthias B. Lehmann
Jews -- Identity -- History -- Congresses : Community identity in Judean historiography : biblical and comparative perspectives / edited by Gary N. Knoppers and Kenneth A. Ristau
Jews -- Identity -- In literature : Places and forms of encounter in Jewish literatures : transfer, mediality and situativity / edited by Olaf Terpitz and Marianne Windsperger
Jews in art -- History : Visualizing Jews Through the Ages : Literary and Material Representations of Jewishness and Judaism / edited by Hannah Ewence and Helen Spurling
Jews in literature -- Dictionaries : Contemporary Jewish-American novelists : a bio-critical sourcebook / edited by Joel Shatzky and Michael Taub ; with a foreword by Daniel Walden ; Emmanuel S. Nelson, advisory editor
Jews in literature -- History : Visualizing Jews Through the Ages : Literary and Material Representations of Jewishness and Judaism / edited by Hannah Ewence and Helen Spurling