Here are entered works on the political and military conflicts between Arabs and Israel, including the question of national rights in the area of the former mandate for Palestine beginning in 1948, and comprehensive works that include the earlier period. Works on the general relations between Arabs and Jews as well as works on the question of national rights in Palestine up to 1948 are entered under Jewish-Arab relations. Works on general foreign relations between Israel and specific Arab countries are entered under Israel--Foreign relations--[place], with an additional entry under [place]--Foreign relations--IsraelThis heading may be further subdivided by the subdivisions used under individual wars
Here are entered works on the political and military conflicts between Arabs and Israel, including the question of national rights in the area of the former mandate for Palestine beginning in 1948, and comprehensive works that include the earlier period. Works on the general relations between Arabs and Jews as well as works on the question of national rights in Palestine up to 1948 are entered under Jewish-Arab relations. Works on general foreign relations between Israel and specific Arab countries are entered under Israel--Foreign relations--[place], with an additional entry under [place]--Foreign relations--IsraelThis heading may be further subdivided by the subdivisions used under individual wars
Jewish-Arab relations -- History -- 1917-1948 -- Congresses. : The Palestinians and the Middle East conflict : an international conference held at the Institute of Middle Eastern Studies, University of Haifa, April 1976 / editor, Gabriel Ben-Dor
Jewish-Arab relations -- Pictorial works. : Die Palästinenser : Unterdrückung und Widerstand eines entrechteten Volkes = The Palestinians : oppression and resistance of a disinherited people = Les Palestiniens : oppression et résistance d'un peuple privé de ses droits = Los Palestinos : opresión y resistencia de un pueblo sin derechos / Georg Stein ; mit einem Vorwort von Erich Fried