Jewish religious education -- United States : A place of our own : the rise of Reform Jewish camping : essays honoring the fiftieth anniversary of Olin-Sang-Ruby Union Institute, Union for Reform Judaism, in Oconomowoc, Wisconsin / edited by Michael M. Lorge and Gary P. Zola
Here are entered miscellaneous collections of sacred Jewish music. Compositions for particular services are entered under this heading followed by appropriate subdivision, e.g. Synagogue music--Memorial services. Works about the use of music in the synagogue are entered under Music in synagogues
Jewish religious poetry, Hebrew -- West Bank -- Qumran Site -- History and criticism -- Congresses : Liturgical perspectives : prayer and poetry in light of the Dead Sea scrolls : proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium of the Orion Center for the Study of the Dead Sea Scrolls and Associated Literature, 19-23, January, 2000 / edited by Esther G. Chazon ; with the collaboration of Ruth Clements & Avital Pinnick
Here are entered works dealing with elementary and secondary schools whose pupils receive their entire education under Jewish auspices, control, or support. Works dealing with schools teaching Jewish subject matter only are entered under Jewish religious schools
Here are entered works that contain or discuss collections of the various formulations that list systematically the contents of Jewish belief. Works containing individual creeds or discussions of them are entered under the heading for the creed, e.g. Maimonides, Moses, 1135-1204. 13 ʻiḳre ha-emunah