Jesuits -- Correspondence : Akbar and the Jesuits : an account of the Jesuit missions to the court of Akbar / Pierre du Jarric ; [translated with introduction and notes by C.H. Payne]
Jesuits -- Cuba -- Biography : Father Benito Viñes : the 19th-century life and contributions of a Cuban hurricane observer and scientist / Luis E. Ramos Guadalupe ; translated by Oswaldo García
Jesuits -- Czechoslovakia : Ministerium verbi : kázání o mši svaté, o posledních věcech člověka a o rozličných aspektech víry / Adolf Kajpr ; k vydání připravil a úvodni studií a poznámkami opatřil Vojtěch Novotný
Jesuits -- East Asia. / : An introduction to human resource management : an integrated approach / Michael L. Nieto
Jesuits -- Ecuador -- Quito -- History : Encuentros y desencuentros con la frontera imperial : la Iglesia de la Compañía de Jesús de Quito y la misión en el Amazonas (siglo XVII) / Carmen Fernández-Salvador
Jesuits -- El Salvador : A breach of impunity : the trial for the murder of Jesuits in El Salvador : report of the trial observer of the International Commission of Jurists
Jesuits -- Encyclopedias : The Cambridge encyclopedia of the Jesuits / general editor, Thomas Worcester, SJ ; associate editors, Megan Armstrong [and three others] ; assistant editor, Henry Shea, SJ
Jesuits -- England. / : The gunpowder plot : the narrative of Oswald Tesimond alias Greenway / translated from the Italian of the Stonyhurst manuscript ; edited and annotated by Francis Edwards
Jesuits -- England -- Correspondence. / : Gerard Manley Hopkins : selected letters / edited by Catherine Phillips
Jesuits -- England -- Early works to 1800 : The true speeches of Thomas Whitebread, Provincial of the Jesuits in England, William Harcourt, pretended Rector of London, John Fenwick, Procurator for the Jesuits in England, John Gavan, and Anthony Turner, all Jesuits and Priests; before their execution at Tyburn, June the 20th. MDCLXXIX. : With animadversions thereupon: plainly discovering the fallacy of all their asseverations of their innocency. Published by authority
Jesuits -- England -- History -- 17th century : All hail to the Archpriest : confessional conflict, toleration, and the politics of publicity in post-reformation England / Peter Lake and Michael Questier