Jesuits -- Asia -- History : Encounters between Jesuits and Protestants in Asia and the Americas / [edited] by Jorge Canizares-Esguerra, Robert Aleksander Maryks, R. Hsia
Jesuits -- Australia -- Congresses. / : Discerning the Australian social conscience : from the Jesuit Lenten series
Jesuits -- Austria. / : Jesuits and Jacobins : enlightenment and enlightened despotism in Austria / Paul P. Bernard
Jesuits -- Belgium -- Intellectual life : Between tradition and innovation : Gregorio a San Vicente and the Flemish Jesuit mathematics school / by Ad J. Meskens with contributions by Herman van Looy
Jesuits -- Biography -- Biography / : Mastering sadhana : on retreat with Anthony De Mello / Carlos Valles
Jesuits -- Biography -- Sources : Being a Jesuit in Renaissance Italy biographical writing in the early global age Camilla Russell
Jesuits -- Canada. Correspondence : Brève relation du voyage de la Nouvelle-France / Paul Lejeune ; edition de Sebastien Côte ; annote avec la collaboration de Real Ouellet
Jesuits -- China -- Diaries : Kouduo richao : Li Jiubiao's Diary of oral admonitions : a late Ming Christian journal. Volume 2 translated, with introduction and notes by Erik Zürcher
Jesuits -- China -- History -- 18th century -- Sources : The Acta Pekinensia or historical records of the Maillard de Tournon legation. Volume II, September 1706-December 1707 / by Kilian Stumpf ; edited by Paul Rule, Claudia von Collani
Jesuits -- Correspondence : Akbar and the Jesuits : an account of the Jesuit missions to the court of Akbar / Pierre du Jarric ; [translated with introduction and notes by C.H. Payne]
Jesuits -- Cuba -- Biography : Father Benito Viñes : the 19th-century life and contributions of a Cuban hurricane observer and scientist / Luis E. Ramos Guadalupe ; translated by Oswaldo García
Jesuits -- Czechoslovakia : Ministerium verbi : kázání o mši svaté, o posledních věcech člověka a o rozličných aspektech víry / Adolf Kajpr ; k vydání připravil a úvodni studií a poznámkami opatřil Vojtěch Novotný
Jesuits -- East Asia. / : An introduction to human resource management : an integrated approach / Michael L. Nieto
Jesuits -- Ecuador -- Quito -- History : Encuentros y desencuentros con la frontera imperial : la Iglesia de la Compañía de Jesús de Quito y la misión en el Amazonas (siglo XVII) / Carmen Fernández-Salvador