Italy -- Ventimiglia : Debordering Europe : migration and control across the Ventimiglia region / Livio Amigoni, Silvia Aru, Ivan Bonnin, Gabriele Proglio, Cecilia Vergnano, editors
Italy Veterans : Iraq War experience. Giorgio Mattia : 46th Air Brigade of Pisa, Italian Air Force (1992-2014) / Veteran Documentary Corps and El Dorado Films presents ; a Maria Luisa Forenza film ; produced by Daniel Leonard Bernardi
Italy Viceroys Naples : Church and state in Spanish Italy : rituals and legitimacy in the kingdom of Naples / Céline Dauverd, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs
Italy Video art : Rewind Italia : early video art in Italy = Rewind Italia : I primi anni della videoarte in Italia / edited by Laura Leuzzi and Stephen Partridge ; translations by Simona Manca
Italy -- Viggiano : Fremer l'arpa ho sentito per via : canti e danze dalla tradizione viggianese
Italy Vihuela music 16th century : Peschatore che va cantando : intabolatura de leuto de diversi autori / Paolo Cherici, liuto e vihuela
Italy Village communities : The moral basis of a backward society / by Edward C. Banfield with the assistance of Laura Fasano Banfield ; Photos. by the author
Italy Villages Lucca (Province) History : Community and clientele in twelfth-century Tuscany : the origins of the rural commune in the plain of Lucca / Chris Wickham
Italy Vintners Piedmont History : Soft soil, black grapes : the birth of Italian winemaking in California / Simone Cinotto ; translated from the Italia by Michelle Tarnopolski