Italy Cameroonians Biography : Reversing the gaze : what if the other were you? / Geneviève Makaping ; edited by Simone Brioni ; translated by Giovanna Bellesia Contuzzi and Victoria Offredi Poletto ; foreword by Caterina Romeo
Italy Capital movements Econometric models : An analysis of the process of capital liberalization in Italy / prepared by Leonardo Bartolini and Gordon M. Bodnar ; authorized for distribution by Erich Spitäller
Italy Capitalism : Italian critics of capitalism / edited and translated by Lorella Cedroni
Italy Cardinals Diaries : The secrets of a Vatican Cardinal : Celso Costantini's wartime diaries, 1938-1947 / edited by Bruno Fabio Pighin ; translated by Laurence B. Mussio
Italy Cardinals Mantua Biography : Ruling peacefully : Cardinal Ercole Gonzaga and patrician reform in sixteenth-century Italy / Paul V. Murphy
Italy Caricatures and cartoons : Woody, Freud and others / Tullio Pericoli ; introduction by Georg Ramseger ; story by Antonio Tabucchi ; preface by Steven Heller
Italy Carmelite Nuns Florence : Maria Maddalena de' Pazzi : the making of a Counter-Reformation saint / Clare Copeland
Italy Carriages and carts Sicily : The chivalric folk tradition in Sicily : a history of storytelling, puppetry, painted carts and other arts / Marcella Croce ; forewords by Michael Buonanno and Christopher Kleinhenz
Italy Cartels : La disciplina dei cartelli nel diritto antitrust europeo ed italiano
Italy Cartographers Venice Fiction : A mapmaker's dream : the meditations of Fra Mauro, cartographer to the court of Venice / James Cowan