Italy Bell towers Conservation and restoration Modena : The restoration of Ghirlandina Tower in Modena and the assessment of soil-structure interaction by means of dynamic identification techniques / Rossella Cadignani, Renato Lancellotta, Donato Sabia
Italy -- Bellino : Sometime kin : layers of memory, boundaries of ethnography / Sandra Wallman
Italy Bells Agnone : Sunday morning. Chime in ... / producers, Costanza Barone, Fernando Suarez
Italy Bells Florence History : The noisy Renaissance : sound, architecture, and Florentine urban life / Niall Atkinson
Italy Benedictine art Padua Region : The rule, the Bible, and the council : the library of the Benedictine Abbey at Praglia / Diana Gisolfi, Staale Sinding-Larsen
Italy Beverage industry Case studies : The evolution of "made in Italy" : case studies on the Italian food and beverage industry / Vittoria Veronesi, Martina Schiavello
Italy Bicycle industry : Winning innovation : how innovation excellence propels an industry icon toward sustained prosperity / Norbert Majerus, George Taninecz
Italy -- Biferno River Valley : A Mediterranean valley : landscape archaeology and annales history in the Biferno Valley / Graeme Barker ; with major contributions by Richard Hodges [and others] ; & specialist contributions by Gill Clark [and others]
Italy Biochemical markers Tuscany : Bioarchaeology and dietary reconstruction across late antiquity and the Middle Ages in Tuscany, Central Italy / Giulia Riccomi