Italians -- Attitudes : Global Perspectives in Modern Italian Culture Knowledge and Representation of the World in Italy from the Sixteenth to the Early Nineteenth Century
Italians -- Attitudes -- Sources : Global Perspectives in Modern Italian Culture Knowledge and Representation of the World in Italy from the Sixteenth to the Early Nineteenth Century
Italians -- Australia -- Adelaide (S.A.) : Terra lasci, terra trovi : from Molinara to Adelaide : the history of a Southern Italian community in South Australia, 1927 - 2007 = la storia di una communità italiana meridionale in Sud Australia, 1927 - 2007 / edited by Don Longo
Italians -- Australia -- Adelaide (S.A.) -- History. : Terra lasci, terra trovi : from Molinara to Adelaide : the history of a Southern Italian community in South Australia, 1927 - 2007 = la storia di una communità italiana meridionale in Sud Australia, 1927 - 2007 / edited by Don Longo
Italians -- Australia -- Adelaide (S.A.) -- History -- 20th century. : Terra lasci, terra trovi : from Molinara to Adelaide : the history of a Southern Italian community in South Australia, 1927 - 2007 = la storia di una communità italiana meridionale in Sud Australia, 1927 - 2007 / edited by Don Longo
Italians -- Australia -- Assimilation : Australia's Italians : culture and community in a changing society / edited by Stephen Castles ... [and others]
Italians -- Australia -- Brisbane (Qld.) : If you had your time again, would you migrate to Australia? : a study of long-settled Italo-Australians in Brisbane / Ellie Vasta
Italians -- Australia -- Correspondence. : From the mountains to the bush : Italian migrants write home from Australia, 1860-1962 / Jacqueline Templeton ; edited by John Lack assisted by Gioconda Di Lorenzo
Italians -- Australia -- Exhibitions. : Stitches = fare il punto / [editorial co-ordinators, Ilaria Vanni, Helen Trepa ; essayists, Ilaria Vanni, Maria Pallotta-Chiarolli]
Italians -- Australia -- Gippsland (Vic.) : A Profile of the Italian community in Gippsland : an analysis of the 1981 Census / a report to Co. As. It. by Gippsland Regional Information Bank and the School of Social Sciences Gippsland Institute of Advanced Education, Churchill, Victoria