Islam -- Indonesia -- Congresses. : Muhammadiyah dan NU : reorientasi wawasan keIslaman / editor, Yunahar Ilyas, M. Masyhur Amin, M. Daru Lalito ; pengantar, A. Syafi'i Ma'arif
Islam -- Indonesia -- History -- 21st century. : The end of innocence? : Indonesian Islam and the temptations of radicalism / Andrée Feillard and Rémy Madinier ; translated by Wong Wee
Islam -- Indonesia -- Java -- Bokor : From syncretism to orthodoxy? : the struggle of Islamic leaders in an East Javanese village / Sven Cederroth
Islam -- Indonesia -- Java -- History. : Mystic synthesis in Java : a history of Islamization from the fourteenth to the early nineteenth centuries / M.C. Ricklefs
Islam -- Indonesia -- Sumatera Barat : The transnational and the local in the politics of Islam : the case of West Sumatra, Indonesia / Delmus Puneri Salim
Islam -- Influence -- Congresses : Cambio religioso y dominación cultural : el impacto del islam y del cristianismo sobre otras sociedades / David N. Lorenzen, compilador
Islam -- Intellectual life : Theology and society in the second and third century of the Hijra. Vol. 1. A history of religious thought in early Islam / josef van Ess
Islam -- Intellectual life -- History : Theology and society in the second and third century of the Hijra. Vol. 1. A history of religious thought in early Islam / josef van Ess
Islam Intercultural communication Religious aspects : Did you know? : refuting rigid interpretations concerning the position of women in Islam and Muslim's interaction with non-Muslims / Mrs Aziza Abdel-Halim
Islam International Monetary Bank : Islamic banking regulation and supervision : survey results and challenges / prepared by Inwon Song and Carel Oosthuizen