Internet programming -- United States : Google speaks : secrets of the world's greatest billionaire entrepreneurs, Sergey Brin and Larry Page / Janet Lowe
Internet publishing -- China : From woodblocks to the Internet : Chinese publishing and print culture in transition, circa 1800 to 2008 / edited by Cynthia Brokaw and Christopher A. Reed
Internet publishing -- Economic aspects : Internet publishing and beyond : the economics of digital information and intellectual property / edited by Brian Kahin and Hal R. Varian
Internet -- Qatar : Qatar Media, Internet & Telecommunications Complete Profile : This All-Inclusive Profile Includes All Three of Our Communications Reports
Internet questionnaires -- Case studies. : Designing online questionnaires for course evaluation and regional educational needs assessment / Augusto V. C. Legaspi, Scott H. Henwood
Internet questionnaires -- Congresses : Survey automation : report and workshop proceedings / Daniel L. Cork (Oversight Committee for the Workshop on Survey Automation) [and others], editors. ; Committee on National Statistics, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, National Research Council
Internet -- Religious aspects -- Buddhism : Buddhism, the internet, and digital media : the pixel in the lotus / edited by Gregory Price Grieve and Daniel Veidlinger
Internet research -- Congresses : Measurement methodology and tools : first European Workshop, FP7 FIRE/EULER Project, Aalborg, Denmark, May 9, 2012, Revised and extended papers / Lluís Fàbrega, Pere Vil, Davide Careglio, Dimitri Papadimitriou (eds.)
Here are entered works on using the Internet to conduct research. Works on using various Internet tools and search engines effectively to find information are entered under Internet searching. Works on computer network resources available for research in various fields are entered under Computer network resources